Archive for July 25, 2013

Images like living in a Chinese gallery   Leave a comment

Images like living in a Chinese gallery

In the Chinese city of Qingdao, one can see a remarkable exhibition of three-dimensional images that look quite as vibrant. Chinese photograph in the presence of the breathtaking art of Korean artists and toss photos on social networking sites, sharing your experiences with your friends.

Posted July 25, 2013 by kitokinimi in Uncategorized

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True interpretation of the Russian soft mode Barbie   Leave a comment

True interpretation of the Russian soft mode Barbie

 Unlike cosmetic or plastic surgery and shape due to the live version of “Barbie Doll”, the Russian soft mode can Anno Valeria dew baby (Anzhelika Kenova) result looks exactly like “Barbie” and popular in the network. Doll-like appearance coupled with slender legs, slim waist and proud on the Circuit, Anzhelika giving a real-life Barbie dolls came to feel that the only difference is, Anzhelika looks very viable. Image ImageImage Image Image


Posted July 25, 2013 by kitokinimi in Uncategorized

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The Living Goddess Kumari of Kathmandu, Nepal   Leave a comment

The Living Goddess Kumari of Kathmandu, Nepal

Kathmandu’s Durbur Square, the traditional heart of the old town, offers a dizzying number of gods, goddess and deities on display. Intermingled between the Buddhism and Hinduism symbolism is one of the most fascinating, and somewhat mysterious aspects of Hindu worship,  a living goddess know as the Kumari. A young prepubescent girl is elevated to the level of the living incarnation of the Hindu goddess, Teleju the Nepalese word for Durga, the multi arm slayer of demons. Kumari is from the Sanskrit word kaumarya meaning virgin.


The selection of the Kumari is an elaborate ordeal, a young girl between the ages of 2 and 4 is chosen from the Buddhist Newar Shakya caste (Siddhartha who later became Buddha was from this caste of silver and goldsmiths). The child must be free of diseases and have never had an injury that led to bleeding. After passing these two initial tests they move to the “thirty two perfections” portion of the selection process. Color of the eyes, shape of the teeth, and her horoscope which was originally coordinated with the kings horoscope to insure harmony. As a living goddess, the Kumari is higher than the king. Neck like a conch shell, eyelashes like a cow, and a voice that is clear and soft like a duck are among the other beauty traits in the selection process.

Kumar Ghar or house of the Kumari

After the beauty selection the child is ushered into a dark room filled with decapitated buffalo and goat heads from a recent sacrifice ritual. Dancers with evil looking masks dance around the child while terrifying noises are being made. If the child is the incarnation of Durga, the demon slayer, she will not display fear. After proving her bravery she is shown a selection of clothing and items from the previous Kumari and she must select the ones from her predecessor in a process similar to the selection of the Dali Lama.

A sacred rite is performed at the temple after which she walks across a white cloth to the Kumari Ghar to assume her throne. This is the last time she will walk, until she loses her goddess status, she will be carried everywhere since the Kumari’s feet and body are now considered sacred. From then on she will always be dressed in red and have an agni chakchuu or “fire eye” painted on her forehead.

Wood carving of the Hindu Goddess Durga in Durbar Square Kathmandu, Nepal

stark contrast to her previous life, she has extensive ceremonial duties to preform. She receives her devotees in her chambers upon a gilded lion throne. Upon arrival she offers her feet to touch or kiss. Her every move is interpreted as a prediction rubbing her eyes or crying is viewed as impending death while laughter could mean serious illness, if she picks at the offerings it means financial loss. Remaining silent is the sign that all will be well. Even the former kings of Nepal would make an annual pilgrimage for her blessing and bow before her

Foreigners are usually not permitted an audience with the Kumari, but occasionally she makes brief appearances at a window of the Kumari Chowk or courtyard, much to the delight of locals and tourist alike as it is a sign of good fortune.

Kumar Ghar in Kathmandu, Nepal. The gilded window that the Kumari will occasionally pass to spread fortune on the faithful

The position of Kumari lasts until her first menstrual cycle or if she is injured in a manner that causes blood loss, at that time, a search for a new Kumari begins. She is the most powerful of ten Kumaris in Nepal. In India, Kumaris are selected in the same manner but usually only remain a Kumari for certain holy days. At the end of their reign they are returned to their family to resume a normal life. Kumari is the most powerful Hindu deity in Nepal, but more and more controversial in regards to children’s rights given the bizarre and isolated childhood these living goddesses live in the name of tradition.

Posted July 25, 2013 by kitokinimi in Uncategorized

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tips to optimize your mental power   Leave a comment


                         optimize your mental power 

The variety and curiosity are two basic principles to Maintain the sharpness and power of your mind as you get older.

If all you do is to “automatic”, it is time to Undertake to change. When you do the crossword until his eyes closed, it is time to switch to a new challenge in order to get the best performance out of your brain and your mind . Maintain your curiosity about the world around you, acerca how it works and how to get it, and will keep your
brain running at higher speed and more efficiently. 

We love routines. We have hobbies and pastimes That we can do for hours. But the more we get used to a task Becomes an ingrained nature and less work our brain to do it. To really help your brain To Remain young, challenge him. Change the path to the grocery store, use your opposite hand to open doors and eat dessert first. All this will force your brain to wake up from habits and pay attention again. 

Learn the phone numbers. 
Our mobile modern memorize all the numbers That call us. No one has returned to try to remember phone numbers, but it is a great activity to exercise the memory . pick out a new phone number every day. 

 Choose a new hobby. 
Find something you captive, Easily you can do at home and does not cost too much money. Take pictures with a digital camera, learn to draw or play an instrument, practice new styles of cuisine or type. These are all good choices. 

 Read different books . 
Takes a book deals with a subject Which That you be completely new. Read a novel That elapses in ancient Egypt. Learn some economics. There are many excellent popular Books that touch on issues of non-fiction as well as entertain and Fulfill the task of teaching a lot acerca owners topic. Each week Become an expert in something new. 

Diversify your reading a bit, leaving the subjects you are familiar. If you usually we read history books, switch to a contemporary novel. Read foreign authors, the classics and other randomly chosen. Your brain will benefit not only having to work imagining other periods of history, other cultures and other people, But Also get interesting stories to tell others, que will make you think and make connections Between modern life and words. 

Making lists. 
Lists are wonderful. lists Making Helps us to associate some data With Others. Make a list of the places I’ve Traveled. Make a list of all the tasty meals you’ve tried. Make a list of the best gifts You have received.mentally Make a daily list to exercise to memory and to get new connections brain .

But do not rely too much on them, make a list of everything you need to buy but then try not to use it at the supermarket. Use the list once you’ve gotten all products in the basket just to check your memory. Do the same with your schedule of chores .

Posted July 25, 2013 by kitokinimi in Uncategorized

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18 effective ways to improve your body language   Leave a comment

18 effective ways to improve your body language

No specific advice on how to use body language. Nonverbal communication can be interpreted in several ways, depending on the setting and who you’re talking about.You probably want to use a different body language when talking to your boss when you talk about a girl or boy in whom you are interested. Here you can read some common interpretations of body language and the most effective techniques to communicate with your body. 

18 effective ways to improve your body language

First, to change your body language you must be aware of the existence of such a language.Notice how you feel, how you are, how you use your hands and legs and what you do while talking to someone. You might want to practice in front of a mirror. It may seem silly, but nobody will be watching. Doing this will give you good feedback on how others see you and give you the opportunity to practice a bit before going out. Another tip is to close your eyes and visualize how you would stand and sit to feel confident, open and relaxed . You have to see how you move in the improved version of yourself and then try it in real life. Also you can watch your friends, models, movie stars and others who think they have an excellent body language. Watch what they do and what they do. Copy your body language what you like from different people. Try to use what you can learn from them. Some of these tips may seem like you’re faking it. But to pretend is a useful way to learn something new. And remember, the feelings also work in reverse. If you smile a bit more you will feel happier. If you sit up straight you will feel more energized and notice the control. If you feel your movements ralentizas quieter. Actually, your feelings reinforce your new behaviors and your sense of strangeness will dissipate. At first it is easy to exaggerate your body language. It may be that you feel separate or ridiculously legs straight up all the time in a strained pose. That’s fine. People are not asking about what you think, you are not constantly evaluating, are more concerned with their own problems. You just have to practice a bit and control yourself to find yourself comfortable with your new skills. If you want to delve deeper into this topic you read what follows below on improving social skills and relationships between people. 

1. Do not cross your arms or legs 
you’ve probably heard that you should not cross your arms as it might make you seem defensive or vigilance. This also works for the legs. Keep your arms and legs in the open position. 

2. Keep eye contact, but do not overdo 
If you’re talking to a group of people, give them all some eye contact to create a better connection and see if they are listening. Keeping too much eye contact could backfire. If not bestow enough eye contact can make you seem insecure. When you’re not used to maintain eye contact can feel at first a bit of fear or seem difficult, but if you keep practicing to get used will achieve.

3. Do not be afraid to take your space 
Returning to the theme of space sitting or standing, to separate the signals trasmites legs a little confidence in yourself and you will feel more comfortable. 

4. Relax your shoulders 
When you feel tense it will almost certainly end up with tension in your shoulders. You can move slightly upward and forward. Try to relax by shaking the shoulders a bit and moving back slightly. 

5. Make gestures nod when others speak 
occasionally nods to indicate that you are listening. But do not overdo it and picotees like Woody Woodpecker. 

6. Do not lean back, sit up straight 
But sit down in a relaxed way, not in a way too tight. 

7. Lean, but not too much 
If you show that you’re interested in what someone is saying, lean toward the person talking. If you show that you have confidence in yourself and you’re laid back a little lie down. But do not lean too much because you look desperate for approval. And if you lean too far back might seem arrogant and distant. Do not overdo it in either case. 

8. Smile and laugh 
 smile Laughter indicate that the use does not take himself too seriously. Relax a bit, smile and laugh when someone says something funny. People will be more likely to listen to you if you seem to be a positive person. But do not be the first to laugh at your own jokes, it will make you seem nervous and needy of approval of others. Smile when you are introduced to someone, but not permanently keep the smile on your face, as it seems a disingenuous gesture.

9. Do not touch your face 
might make you seem nervous and would be distracting for the listeners or the people involved in a conversation. 

10. Keep your head up 
Do not look down, it makes you seem insecure and a bit lost. Keep your head up and eyes looking forward. 

11. Desacelérate 
This applies to many aspects of your life. Walking slower not only makes you seem more quiet and safe, but also make you feel less stressed. 

12. Relax 
Try to avoid, eliminate or transform fidgety and nervous tics movements such as moving a leg or fingers on the table quickly and compulsive. If you do, you appear nervous and restless and can be distracting when trying to communicate with someone. Try to relax, slow down and focus on your movements. 

13. Use your hands more confidently 
Instead of fiddling with your hands and scratching your face use them to communicate what you’re trying to say. Use your hands to describe something or to add weight to a point you are trying to convince the audience. But do not use too much or you can turn them into a source of distraction. And do not use your hands as a whip around, use them with some control.

14. Put down your cup 
Do not hold your drink in front of your chest. In fact, do not keep anything in front of your heart as it will make you seem on guard and distant. Lower the glass and hold it beside your leg. 

15. Concentrate where the spine ends 
Many people (including me until recently) might sit or stand up straight in correct posture.However, you might think that the spine ends where the neck begins, so turn your neck forward.Your spine ends in the back of your head, above the neck. Keep the entire spine straight and aligned for better posture. The trick is to imagine that you are pulling your hair gently from the top. 

16. Do not get too close to people 
People have their personal space , do not invade 

17. Mirror 
Very often, when you are with a person in good connection, unconsciously begin to reflejaros between the two. That means that you reflect the body language of the other person. To make a better connection you can try a bit of proactive mirroring. If the other person leans forward, you can do the same. If you put your hands on your thighs, imítale. But do not react immediately and reflejes not all changes in body language and you will cause surprise if this is too obvious. 

18. Keep a good attitude 
Finally, and not least, keep a positive, open and relaxed. The way you feel will be reflected in your body language making a big difference. can change your body language but as all new habits need time. For example, keep your head up might take some time to correct if you have been thousands of days looking at your feet. If you try to change to many things at once can get to confuse and overwhelm. takes a couple of these body language tips to work every day for three or four weeks. Then should have become new habits and something you do unconsciously.If not, keep practicing until you do. Then go back to take another couple of things that you like to change and work on them again. 

Posted July 25, 2013 by kitokinimi in Uncategorized

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