Archive for the ‘Science’ Tag

Wormhole Is Best Bet for Time Machine, Astrophysicist Says   Leave a comment

an illustration of a wormhole through space-time

Though wormholes have never been proven to exist, these theoretical passageways through space-time are predicted by Einstein’s general theory of relativity.

The concept of a time machine typically conjures up images of an implausible plot device used in a few too many science-fiction storylines. But according to Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity, which explains how gravity operates in the universe, real-life time travelisn’t just a vague fantasy.

Traveling forward in time is an uncontroversial possibility, according to Einstein’s theory. In fact, physicists have been able to send tiny particles called muons, which are similar to electrons, forward in time by manipulating the gravity around them. That’s not to say the technology for sending humans 100 years into the future will be available anytime soon, though.

Time travel to the past, however, is even less understood. Still, astrophysicist Eric W. Davis, of the EarthTech International Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin, argues that it’s possible. All you need, he says, is a wormhole, which is a theoretical passageway through space-time that is predicted by relativity. 

“You can go into the future or into the past using traversable wormholes,” Davis told LiveScience.

Where’s my wormhole?

Wormholes have never been proven to exist, and if they are ever found, they are likely to be so tiny that a person couldn’t fit inside, never mind a spaceship.

Even so, Davis’ paper, published in July in the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics’ journal, addresses time machines and the possibility that a wormhole could become, or be used as, a means for traveling backward in time.

Both general-relativity theory and quantum theory appear to offer several possibilities for traveling along what physicists call a “closed, timelike curve,” or a path that cuts through time and space — essentially, a time machine.

In fact, Davis said, scientists’ current understanding of the laws of physics “are infested with time machines whereby there are numerous space-time geometry solutions that exhibit time travel and/or have the properties of time machines.”

A wormhole would allow a ship, for instance, to travel from one point to another faster than the speed of light — sort of. That’s because the ship would arrive at its destination sooner than a beam of light would, by taking a shortcut through space-time via the wormhole. That way, the vehicle doesn’t actually break the rule of the so-called universal speed limit — the speed of light — because the ship never actually travels at a speed faster than light.

Theoretically, a wormhole could be used to cut not just through space, but through time as well. 

“Time machines are unavoidable in our physical dimensional space-time,” David wrote in his paper. “Traversable wormholes imply time machines, and [the prediction of wormholes] spawned a number of follow-on research efforts on time machines.”

However, Davis added, turning a wormhole into a time machine won’t be easy. “It would take a Herculean effort to turn a wormhole into a time machine. It’s going to be tough enough to pull off a wormhole,” he told LiveScience.

That’s because once a wormhole is created, one or both ends of it would need to be accelerated through time to the desired position, according to general relativity theory.

Challenges ahead

There are several theories for how the laws of physics might work to prevent time travel through wormholes.

“Not only do we assume [time travel into the past] will not be possible in our lifetime, but we assume that the laws of physics, when fully understood, will rule it out entirely,” said Robert Owen, an astrophysicist at Oberlin College in Ohio who specializes in black holes and gravitation theory.

According to scientists’ current understanding, keeping a wormhole stable enough to traverse requires large amounts of exotic matter, a substance that is still very poorly understood.  

General relativity can’t account for exotic matter — according to general relativity, exotic matter can’t exist. But exotic matter does exist. That’s where quantum theory comes in. Like general relativity, quantum theory is a system for explaining the universe, kind of like a lens through which scientists observe the universe.

However, exotic matter has only been observed in very small amounts — not nearly enough to hold open a wormhole. Physicists would have to find a way to generate and harness large amounts of exotic matter if they hope to achieve this quasi-faster-than-light travel and, by extension, time travel.

Furthermore, other physicists have used quantum mechanics to posit that trying to travel through a wormhole would create something called a quantum back reaction.

In a quantum back reaction, the act of turning a wormhole into a time machine would cause a massive buildup of energy, ultimately destroying the wormhole just before it could be used as a time machine.

However, the mathematical model used to calculate quantum back reaction only takes into account one dimension of space-time.

“I am confident that, since [general relativity] theory has not failed yet, that its predictions for time machines, warp drives and wormholes remain valid and testable, regardless of what quantum theory has to say about those subjects,” Davis added.

This illustrates one of the key problems in theories of time travel: physicists have to ground their arguments in either general relativity or quantum theory, both of which are incomplete and unable to encompass the entirety of our complex, mysterious universe.

Before they can figure out time travel, physicists need to find a way to reconcile general relativity and quantum theory into a quantum theory of gravity. That theory will then serve as the basis for further study of time travel.

Therefore, Owen argues that it’s impossible to be certain of whether time travel is possible yet. “The wormhole-based time-machine idea takes into account general relativity, but it leaves out quantum mechanics,” Owen added. “But including quantum mechanics in the calculations seems to show us that the time machine couldn’t actually work the way we hope.”

Davis, however, believes scientists have discovered all they can about time machines from theory alone, and calls on physicists to focus first on faster-than-light travel. 

“Until someone makes a wormhole or a warp drive, there’s no use getting hyped up about a time machine,” Davis told LiveScience.

Accomplishing this will require a universally accepted quantum gravity theory — an immense challenge — so don’t go booking those time-travel plans just yet.


by  Jillian Scharr


Posted August 26, 2013 by kitokinimi in Uncategorized

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Eerie Beauties of the Deep: Photos   Leave a comment

By Daniel Malakoff 

A century ago, no one believed life could exist in the deep sea. What living thing could survive utter darkness or in water so cold only the salt kept it from freezing? And what fish could withstand water pressure up to 16,000 pounds per square inch?

Today we know the deep sea teems with life—and it looks like nothing else on our planet. Over the next week, Dashburst will take a look. Just imagine yourself diving into the deep—feel that brush against the back of your neck?


Aka: Psychrolutes marcidus
Depth: 2,000’ to 3,900’

The blobfish has no need for muscle—it floats just above the sea floor gobbling whatever edible matter floats its way. Described as a “gelatinous mass,” its flesh is only slightly denser than water.

The blobfish, frequently caught as bycatch in the nets of bottom trawlers, now faces extinction.


Viperfish 1 size 500


Aka: Mesopelagic
Depth: Up to a mile

Some are jet black or transparent with glowing organs which attract prey. 

Deep Sea Viperfish Chauliodus sloani


Stimias Boas Scaly Dragonfish
Aka: Grammatostomias flagellibarba
Depth: Up to a mile

Though only six inches long, the Dragonfish is known as a ferocious predator. It uses a lighted tale, which it flashes and waves around, to attract prey.

Gulper Eel

gulper eel
Aka: Eurypharynx pelecanoides
Depth: 3000’ to 6000’

This eel can grow up to 6’ long and, like a snake, it can swallow animals larger than itself. The Gulper Eel is sometimes called a pelican eel as it can store food in its lower jaw.

Long-Nosed Chimaera

Long-nosed chimaera

Aka: Harriotta raleighana
Depth: 8,000’

Up to 5’ long, the long-nosed chimaera goes by such names as “ghost shark.” Its spines dorsal fins are venomous. The poison is said to be strong enough to kill a person.



Aka: Anoplogaster cornuta
Depth: Up to 16,400’or over 3 miles

When it closes its jaw, this fish’s longest teeth actually go up beside its brain.

Posted August 18, 2013 by kitokinimi in Uncategorized

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Placebo: Cracking the Code   Leave a comment

Featuring members of the the Harvard Placebo Study Group, “Placebo: Cracking the Code” examines the power of belief in alleviating pain, curing disease, and the healing of injuries.
The placebo effect is a pervasive, albeit misunderstood, phenomenon in medicine. In the UK, over 60% of doctors surveyed said they had prescribed placebos in regular clinical practice.
In a recent Times Magazine article, 96% of US physicians surveyed stated that they believe that placebo treatments have real therapeutic effects.
Fascinating documentary about the science and psychology of placebos, centered on a gathering of the Harvard Placebo Study Group at a remote cottage in Ireland.

Full Moon actually affects sleep   Leave a comment

  • Poor sleep during a full moon could be confirmed in the laboratory.
    Poor sleep during a full moon could be confirmed in the laboratory.

Researchers found in data from experiments Sleep Slip – The possible reason for this behavior will sooner lunar cycles have synchronize

 Many people complain that on full moon nights they sleep poorly. Scientists at the University of Basel confirmed with data from experiments sleep a connection between the lunar cycle and the sleep – and also provide a possible explanation.

The researchers led by Christian Cajochen by the Centre for Chronobiology the University Psychiatric Hospital Basel had the idea to their study, supposedly for a beer in a bar – and a full moon night: They decided to re-evaluate the data in a completed se study with 33 volunteers – namely the possible influence of the moon phases.

The Nachanalysen actually gave pretty clear results: in full moon nights, the volunteers needed in an average of five minutes longer to fall asleep. They also had less sleep per night total of 20 minutes and the quality of their sleep and poor self-assessed.

Relic of our past

Medical data supported the results: the brain activity of the test sleepers pointed out that the length of deep sleep decreased during full moon nights, the researchers write in the journal “Current Biology”. In addition, on those nights decreased the concentration of melatonin – which is the hormone that is involved in the control of sleep and wakefulness. The researchers are hoping to have provided the first reliable evidence that the lunar rhythm of the sleep structure of people affected – and they also suggest that other aspects of our behavior but also our mood may be affected.

These relationships are expected, according Cajochen be a relic of our past: he believed that the moon phases have previously synchronized among other things our reproductive behavior – as in some species is still the case.

Posted August 8, 2013 by kitokinimi in Uncategorized

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Talking humanoid claims ‘giant leap for robots’ as Japanese rocket blasts off to space statio   Leave a comment

TOKYO (AP) — Japan has launched the world’s first talking humanoid robot “astronaut” toward the International Space Station.

Kirobo — derived from the Japanese words for “hope” and “robot” — was among five tons of supplies and machinery on a rocket launched Sunday from Tanegashima in southwestern Japan, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, or JAXA, said.

The childlike robot was designed to be a companion for astronaut Koichi Wakata and will communicate with another robot on Earth, according to developers. Wakata is expected to arrive at the space station in November.

Robot designer Tomotaka Takahashi, of the University of Tokyo, advertiser Dentsu and automaker Toyota Motor Corp. worked on the robot.

The challenge was making sure it could move and talk where there was no gravity.

Ahead of the launch, the 34-centimeter (13-inch) tall Kirobo told reporters, “one small step for me, a giant leap for robots.”

Japan boasts the most sophisticated robotics in the world, but because of its “manga” culture, it tends to favor cute robots with human-like characteristics with emotional appeal, a use of technology that has at times drawn criticism for being not productive.

But Takahashi said sending a robot into space could help write a new chapter in the history of communication.

“I wish for this robot to function as a mediator between person and machine, or person and Internet and sometimes even between people,” he said.

JAXA said the rocket launch was successful, and the separation of a cargo vehicle, carrying the robot to the space station, was confirmed about 15 minutes after liftoff.

Posted August 6, 2013 by kitokinimi in Uncategorized

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Top 100 tools for coders and developers   Leave a comment

Do you want job security? Then, become a developer.  Do you want fame and fortune? Then, learn to code. These coding resources are comprised of many startups as well as established sites and services and they are sure to help you take your game to the next level.


If you’re looking to enter the profession, a good place to get started is with DaVinci Coders, a beginner-based, full-immersion coding school based in Boulder, Colorado.

Whether you are a world-class programmer looking for a few extra tools to add to your already awesome arsenal or a wanna-be coder looking to get into the game, here are tools to help you communicate better with your team, share code, test your app and track usage, add functionality and much more. Whether you are a mobile or web app developer, I’m sure you will find something new to love here. Any suggestions on great sites or services that should be added?


  1. Tracelytics – Full stack application tracing. Cloud APM.
  2. TaskMissile – Makes getting client feedback fast, easy and exact.
  3. Kera – Activate more users with in-app tutorials.
  4. Flowdock – Team inbox with chat. Collaboration web app for technical teams.
  5. Modulus – Host, scale and gain insights into Node.js applications.
  6. Cloud Assault – Load testing without the aeronautics degree.
  7. Metricfire – Powerful application metrics made easy.
  8. Interstate – Turn potential tire-kickers into loyal users. Open project management.
  9. codenow – Developer collaboration. Easily share and discover code.
  10. Lingohub – Start localizing your software for better market adoption.
  11. TranslateKarate – Simple online translation and localization toolkit.
  12. Kickfolio – The simplest way to market your apps.
  13. Snippets – Don’t reinvent your code. Code snippets manager.


  1. Treehouse – Learn to design and develop for the web and iOS.
  2. Codecademy – Interactive, fun way to learn to code with friends.
  3. Code School – Where web professionals learn by doing.
  4. Udacity – Learn by solving challenging problems from world-renowned instructors.
  5. Coursera – Lots of computer science classes–for free.
  6. RubyMonk – Interactive ruby tutorials.
  7. Khan Academy – Free world-class education on a variety of programming topics.
  8. School of Webcraft – The peer-powered way to learn web development.
  9. Google Code University – Tutorials, introductions and courses.
  10. Orientation to Android Training – Official Android classes.
  11. phpacademy – Free PHP video tutorials.


  1. GitHub – Social coding.
  2. Pixelapse – Visual version control. Get a time-lapse view of your designs.
  3. Bitbucket – Free source code hosting.
  4. Versions – Subversion Mac client.
  5. SourceTree – A free Mac client for Git and Mercurial version control systems.
  6. OFFSCALE – Get your database under control. DB version management.
  7. Tower – Git client for Mac.


  1. Heroku – Cloud application platform. Deploy and scale powerful apps.
  2. Compilr – Develop and learn code all from the comfort of your web browser.
  3. Kinvey – Mobile cloud backend as a service.
  4. Firebase – A scalable real-time backend for your website.
  5. Cloud9 – Online IDE.
  6. Parse – The complete mobile app platform.
  7. CloudMine – The backend as a service for mobile and web apps.
  8. Koding – Browser-based IDE. A new way for developers to get work done.
  9. AppHarbor – .NET cloud platform as a service.
  10. dotCloud – Deploy, manage and scale any web app.
  11. BrainEngine – Cloud-based development platform.
  12. StackMob – Powering mobile applications.
  13. PHP Fog – Rock solid cloud platform for PHP.
  14. Backrest – Easy creation of Saas data backends.
  15. Codeanywhere – Online code editor.
  16. NeptuneIDE – Full-featured, cloud-based IDE for PHP.
  17. Fusegrid – ColdFusion in the cloud.
  18. Cloud IDE – Code and deploy in the cloud.
  19. FriendCode – A social network revolving around an online code editor.
  20. ToolsCloud – Development environment in the cloud.


  1. TestPilot – Continuous software delivery and integration, simplified.
  2. CircleCi – Continuous integration for web apps. Easy, fast, automated testing.
  3. Railsonfire – Continuous integration and deployment for Ruby.
  4. Wercker – Continuous deployment made easy.
  5. hostedci – Hosted continuous integration for iOS and Mac.


  1. Crashlytics – Powerful and lightweight crash reporting for iOS and Android.
  2. Usersnap – A screenshot paints a thousand words.
  3. Crittercism – Stop worrying and start building. Mobile app performance monitoring.
  4. Rollbar – Fix errors faster. Realtime error reporting and tracking.
  5. New Relic – Web application performance management (APM).
  6. Exceptional – Tracks errors in web apps and reports them in realtime.
  7. BugSense – Mobile app insights and crash reporting.
  8. Bugzilla – Server software to help you manage software development.
  9. Bugify – Simple PHP issue tracking for small teams.
  10. BugHerd – Simple bug tracker. Capture feedback effortlessly.
  11. Snowy Evening – Bug and issue tracking with Github integration.


  1. wilio – APIs for voice, VoIP and text messaging.
  2. Veritable – The predictive database.
  3. Stripe – Payments for developers.
  4. Factual – Structured data APIs.
  5. – Simplify user content handling.
  6. PubNub – Blazingly fast cloud-hosted messaging service for real-time apps.
  7. Mailgun – Email for developers. Send, receive, track and store email.
  8. Context.IO – The missing email API. Leverage email data in applications.
  9. Semantics3 – APIs for product data.
  10. Qubulus – Indoor positioning service provider.
  11. – SMS HTTP API using your own Android phone.
  12. Cloudeo – Live video and voice for developers.
  13. Embedly – Convert standard URLs into embedded videos, images and more.
  14. Scaled Recognition – Make images actionable.


  1. Viximo – Global social game distribution platform.
  2. XNA – Game development tools from Microsoft.
  3. Scoreloop – Cross-platform mobile gaming SDK. Virtual currency and more.
  4. Yodo1 – Mobilize your games in China.
  5. Game Closure – Offer a JavaScript game SDK. Runs on mobile/tablet devices.
  6. scoreoid – The ultimate server platform for game developers.
  7. FTW – Universal gaming identity. Sync saves, scores, friends across devices.
  8. Storybricks – Create your own MMO experience.


  1. Codiqa – Insanely fast mobile prototyping.
  2. AppCooker – Advanced iOS mockup generator for mobile applications.
  3. Apptentive – Easy in-app feedback for iPhone application developers.
  4. – iOS app store SEO and marketing.
  5. Chupa Mobile – The marketplace for mobile app components.
  6. Appboy – User engagement, CRM, analytics and more.
  7. Flurry – Analytics, traffic acquisition and monetization.
  8. Octopod – Mobile development platform.
  9. Little Eye – Battery profiler tool for Android apps.


  1. Binpress – Source-code marketplace: components, packages, classes, scripts.
  2. UploadCare – Handles uploads and storage so you can focus on other things.
  3. Eden – PHP library designed for rapid prototyping and less code.
  4. appbackr – Crowdfunding marketplace for mobile apps.
  5. Modkit – Programming for any thing.
  6. TechScratch – Focus on what you are good at and get help with the rest.
  7. Storyteller – Build great websites with content from anywhere.
  8. Feed.Us – CMS for web apps.
  9. Hosted Graphite – Simple, hosted graphite as a service.
  10. Divshot – The interface builder for web apps. Rapid HTML5 prototyping.
  11. CSS Piffle – No more photo editing software for web design.
  12. FlyWithMonkey – Tools for HTML5 app developers.
  13. Expanz – Build better business apps. One server, any device.
  14. Zapstreak – Airplay for Android.
  15. RepoDrop – Private Git repository hosting.
  16. CodeWars – Train and test your skills or battle other developers.
  17. Architexa – Understand/document complex Java code bases in Eclipse.
  18. UserMetrics – Analytics to help you understand how users use your software.
  19. Setapp – Share and discover insanely great tools.
  20. Coder Bounty – Place bounties on code issues.
  21. Last5 – Productivity and time tracking for developers.
  22. XtGem – Visual mobile site building.
  23. uTest – End to end application testing.





















Posted August 6, 2013 by kitokinimi in Uncategorized

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Chemicals in our bodies can indicate how rich or poor we are: Study   Leave a comment

Life is different for the rich and the poor. Rich people relax by eating oysters. Poor people relax by smoking cigarettes. Based on a new study about how the presence of certain chemicals can indicate how rich or poor a person is.

 New research from the University of Exeter looks at the association of 18 different chemicals in the body and socioeconomic status. Long story short, everybody’s bodies are full of poison. Rich people poison just comes from fancier sources. People from higher socioeconomic status showed higher levels of mercury, arsenic and benzophenone-3. Researchers think that the first two come from higher consumption of shellfish and seafood, whereas the benzophenone-3 likely comes from sunscreen.

The chemical profiles of people from lower socioeconomic status are completely different. Their bodies are full of lead, cadmium and different types of plastics. These chemicals could come from cigarette smoke but likely come from poor diet. The research is bolstered by an earlier study from Boston University that found higher levels of Bisphenol-A in poor people’s bodies, perhaps from consuming more canned food than the rich.

When you take a step back and think about it, the split makes sense. Lead researcher Jessica Tyrrell uses the “you are what you eat” adage to illustrate the point and goes on to explain how the different chemicals tell us a lot about the development of heart disease and diabetes among the poor. It’s certainly a better way to tell than checking for bruises from repeatedly diving into a gold-coin-filled vault.


Via Gizmodo

Posted August 6, 2013 by kitokinimi in Uncategorized

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Quantum Entanglement of 8 Photons Successfully Accomplished by Physicists   Leave a comment


In quantum mechanics, entanglement allows two or more particles separated in space to have the same physical properties, which are correlated. This means that if a measurement is performed on one particle, it will prove to be the same on the entangled particle. Quantum entanglement is important, but difficult to study, both theoretically and experimentally. It has been possible to entangle small groups of particles, but scaling up these experiments has proven difficult until now.

Researchers from Shanghai’s University of Science and Technology of China were successfully able to entangle eight photons, which beats the previous record of six. The photos were equally likely to be polarized in a specific orientation, which is known colloquially as a “Schrödinger’s cat” state. Their research was published in Nature Photonics, and the authors describe a new technique using ultra-bright photon sources to control some of the problems that had plagued earlier experiments.


Xing-Can Yao et al. excited beta-barium borate (BBO) with an ultraviolet laser. The resulting photos produced a particular transition inside the crystal that produced new photons with polarizations that are complimentary to each other. Their quantum states were entangled. The photons are in an undetermined state before measurement, and according to the standard interpretation of quantum mechanics, they are seen as possessing both polarization states with equal probability.

Out of the 256 possible polarization combinations from eight photons, only one of them is consistent with a fully entangled state. Their setup is more complex, so it would be surprising if they’re able to scale it further. However, the system is also powerful enough that it is a step forward in terms of optical quantum computation, suggesting that the setup may enable quantum simulations to tackle more complicated problems in condensed matter physics.

Posted August 1, 2013 by kitokinimi in Uncategorized

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Unexplained Phenomena   2 comments


The Body/Mind Connection

Medical science is only beginning to understand the ways in which the mind influences the body. The placebo effect, for example, demonstrates that people can at times cause a relief in medical symptoms or suffering by believing the cures to be effective — whether they actually are or not. Using processes only poorly understood, the body’s ability to heal itself is far more amazing than anything modern medicine could create.


Psychic powers and ESP

 powers and extra-sensory perception (ESP) rank among the top ten unexplained phenomena if for no other reason than that belief in them is so widespread. Many people believe that intuition  is a form of psychic power, a way of accessing arcane or special knowledge about the world or the future. Researchers have tested people who claim to have psychic powers, though the results under controlled scientific conditions have so far been negative or ambiguous. Some have argued that psychic powers cannot be tested, or for some reason diminish in the presence of skeptics or scientists. If this is true, science will never be able to prove or disprove the existence of psychic powers.


 Near-Death Experiences and Life After Death

People who were once near death have sometimes reported various mystical experiences (such as going into a tunnel and emerging in a light, being reunited with loved ones, a sense of peace, etc.) that may suggest an existence beyond the grave. While such experiences are profound, no one has returned with proof or verifiable information from “beyond the grave.” Skeptics suggest that the experiences are explainable as natural and predictable hallucinations of a traumatized brain, yet there is no way to know with certainty what causes near-death experiences, or if they truly are visions of “the other side.”

Jerusalem's dubious UFO.


There is no doubt that UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects) exist — many people see things in the skies that they cannot identify, ranging from aircraft to meteors. Whether or not any of those objects and lights are alien spacecraft is another matter entirely; given the fantastic distances and effort involved in just getting to Earth from across the universe, such a scenario seems unlikely. Still, while careful investigation has revealed known causes for most sighting reports, some UFO incidents will always remain unexplained.


Deja vu

Deja vu is a French phrase meaning ‘already seen,’ referring to the distinct, puzzling, and mysterious feeling of having experienced a specific set of circumstances before. A woman might walk into a building, for example, in a foreign country she’d never visited, and sense that the setting is eerily and intimately familiar. Some attribute deja vu to psychic experiences or unbidden glimpses of previous lives. As with intuition (see #3), research into ,human psychology can offer more naturalistic explanations, but ultimately the cause and nature of the phenomenon itself remains a mystery.

Paranormal Haunting


From the Shakespeare play “MacBeth” to the NBC show “Medium,” spirits of the dead have long made an appearance in our culture and folklore. Many people have reported seeing apparitions of both shadowy strangers and departed loved ones. Though definitive proof for the existence of ghosts remains elusive, sincere eyewitnesses continue to report seeing, photographing, and even communicating with ghosts. Ghost investigators hope to one day prove that the dead can contact the living, providing a final answer to the mystery.


psychic powers

Mysterious Disappearances

People disappear for various reasons. Most are runaways, some succumb to accident, a few are abducted or killed, but most are eventually found. Not so with the truly mysterious disappearances. From the crew of the Marie Celeste to Jimmy Hoffa, Amelia Earhart, and Natalee Holloway, some people seem to have vanished without a trace. When missing persons are found, it is always through police work, confession, or accident never by ‘psychic detectives’). But when the evidence is lacking and leads are lost, even police and forensic science can’t always solve the crime.

Whether we call it gut feelings, a ‘sixth sense,’ or something else, we have all experienced intuition at one time or another. Of course, gut feelings are often wrong (how many times during aircraft turbulence have you been sure your plane was going down?), but they do seem to be right much of the time. Psychologists note that people subconsciously pick up information about the world around us, leading us to seemingly sense or know information without knowing exactly how or why we know it. But cases of intuition are difficult to prove or study, and psychology may only be part of the answer.


For decades, large, hairy, manlike beasts called Bigfoot have occasionally been reported by eyewitnesses across America. Despite the thousands of Bigfoot that must exist for a breeding population, not a single body has been found. Not one has been killed by a hunter, struck dead by a speeding car, or even died of natural causes. In the absence of hard evidence like teeth or bones, support comes down to eyewitness sightings and ambiguous photos and films. Since it is logically impossible to prove a universal negative, science will never be able to prove that creatures like Bigfoot and the Loch Ness monster do not exist, and it is possible that these mysterious beasts lurk far from prying eyes.


The Taos Hum

Some residents and visitors in the small city of Taos, New Mexico, have for years been annoyed and puzzled by a mysterious and faint low-frequency hum in the desert air. Oddly, only about 2 percent of Taos residents report hearing the sound. Some believe it is caused by unusual acoustics; others suspect mass hysteria or some secret, sinister purpose. Whether described as a whir, hum, or buzz and whether psychological, natural, or supernatural no one has yet been able to locate the sound’s origin.















Posted July 26, 2013 by kitokinimi in Uncategorized

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Love Scent Pheromone   1 comment


A study was conducted among the ladies who were sensitive to the smells. The results were quite amazing the women categorized as unpleasant scents of other people who had the same type of scent as themselves. The conclusion is the social animal human being obviously experience sexual desire and attraction only to the people whose love scent smells differently from their own. This is nothing but a protecting mechanism of nature.  People related by  blood are generally have same love scent pheromones therefore the attraction to the different smell of love scent pheromone  is a strong physiological barrier to incest and is greatly reduce the possibility of harmful genetic defect occur.
 Do you know? Your nose does a lot more than you aware. One of the notable thing is the nose helps the memory to store your partners love scent pheromone smell in your brain. From the beginning of birth, are guided by smell. Even though the baby appears to focus its gaze on its mother while suckling, obviously it perceives her using the sense of sight, it is the mother’s love scent smell in particular that tells the baby that is suckling milk from her own mother’s breast.
           According to the French scientists, within couple of days of birth, the babies are capable of recognizing their mother from the smell of their perspiration and their nipples. In the womb itself the baby posses the ability to smell the amniotic fluid that surrounds her.  The amniotic fluid has a scent comparable to a mixture of buttermilk, fat, urine and honey. The new born babies were tested with a cloth that has been soaked with amniotic fluid and they immediately turn their face towards the cloth. In the other way around the mother can recognize their infants by their body scent only after a couple of days after birth.
 It is not only in the animal kingdom that love scent Pheromone plays a key role in general life structures. Scientists have now found that the love scent Pheromone also plays an important role for human when it comes to choosing a mate partner. You probably know that liking or unlinking someone goes hand in hand with the body scent (odor).  A French medical encyclopedia fittingly described the human sense of smell as ‘the sense of tender memories’. All the men and women subconsciously perceive a range or scent lures that encourage passion and love. The body scent is determined by factors such as diet, mental health, personal hygiene, but so far the scientists could not be able to decode the unique combination of ingredients that make up an individual’s personal love scent. We aware, the most important source of personal scent it underarm perspiration.

 The following is the most famous seduction through the smell of love scent in France. In 15th century Maria of Cleve, seduced King Henri III by handing him a towel damped with her sweat after a dance. King Henri was so excited by the fragrance of the love scent of Maria of Cleve and married her. Earlier the scientists thought that animals only posses vomerine a nasal organ on the roof of the mouth, which can identify and recognize the sexual attraction love scent Pheromone of the female mate. An American scientist discovered that is an organ similar to vomerine in human nasal septum. According to the scientists, the human have an individual love scent Pheromone  fingerprint.
 You aware, that the Smell of scents may evoke images in the mind, which is a decisive role that the sense of smell plays in our life.  Most of the animals use their love scent signatures to mark their territory or during courtship rituals.  Even ants regulate their routine life in their social colonies by means of the scents only.