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When Adam and Eve lived   Leave a comment

  • According to the DNA of 1204 Sardinians (pictured a traditional fishing) lived "Y-chromosome Adam" 180,000 years ago.
     According to the DNA of 1204 Sardinians (pictured a traditional fishing) lived “Y-chromosome Adam” 180,000 years ago.

Genetic “first mother” and “father” of modern humanity redefined: Probably they lived 99000-200000 years ago in Africa

For creationists, so followers of the biblical story of creation, the thing is clear: the man – or better: Adam and Eve – was created exactly 4004 years before our era of God and then lived the same time as Tyrannosaurus Rex among others. This version of human history can be admired among others in the Creation Museum in the USA.

For science, the question of the “Great Mother” and after the “father” of humanity today is much more difficult to answer, but not impossible. The starting point are two gender-specific features of the genome: DNA in the mitochondria (mDNA), ie, the power plants of cells, is inherited exclusively from mothers to their children, and the Y chromosome exclusively from father to son.

Comparing to people living today, the variations in the mDNA and those of the Y chromosome, then can be calculated back when the woman and the man must have lived that gave the respective genes of the crucial figure.

Origin 99000-200000 years ago

So far, the researchers assumed that the “mitochondrial Eve” is much older than the “Y-chromosomal Adam.” But now two studies “Science” come in the journal to a new estimate, which suggest that our Urelternteile lived around the same time: geneticists Carlos Bustamante of Stanford University calculated by comparative genome analysis of 69 people from nine different regions of the planet, that our “father” who lived sometime 120000-156000 years ago in Africa and have our “first mother” 99000-148000 years ago.

To an even higher age for “Y-chromosome Adam” Italian researchers came up with a slightly different DNA sample: The team of Paolo Francalacci came in DNA comparisons of 1204 male inhabitants of the island of Sardinia to the conclusion that all the paternal lines in front of 180,000 to 200,000 years converged to a point.

Posted August 8, 2013 by kitokinimi in Uncategorized

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